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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ART5034 Topic Seminar of East Asian Art 1 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Fine Arts - No
This class is a topic-based seminar regarding important issues on the rich history and tradition of East Asian Art. Students will be able to deveope their own research methdology and writing skills for master’s thesis by reading, understanding and discussing on the required texts.
ART5035 Topic Seminar of East Asian Art 2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Fine Arts Korean Yes
This class is a topic-based seminar regarding important issues on the rich history and tradition of East Asian Art. Students will be able to deveope their own research methdology and writing skills for master’s thesis by reading, understanding and discussing on the required texts.
CEK5101 Studies in Modern Thoughts of the East 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This lecture surveys modern thought of the East in the turbulent period gone through internal changes and pressure of West. The content of the learning is at that time how Asians are awakened to enlightenment has been achieved and how did the deal with the pressure of the West and the internal development.
CEK5103 Special Lecture on Western Philosophy 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
Western Philosophy is composed of Metaphysics, Epistemology and axiology. Metaphysics inquires into the origin of being. Epistemology explores the root and limitation of knowledge. Axiology investigates ethical value, aesthetical value and religious value. Western philosophy is divided ancient philosophy, medieval philosophy, modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy. Ancient and medieval age can be called the era of Metaphysics and modern and present age can be called the era of epistemology. This lecture is designed to introduce students to study western philosophy comprehensively.
CEK5104 Special Lecture on Social Thought of Modern and Contemporary China 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This lecture examines the origination and development of modern thought, and studies the trend of thought in China after ‘XinHai' Revolution.
CEK5105 Special Lecture on Buddhism and Indian Philosophy 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
After birth of primitive Buddhism in India, about 20 Buddhist sects were come into being. Among them, we will study the thoughts which have academical meanings. In addition, We will study the theory of cause and effect, epistemology, linguistics in Buddhism.
CEK5106 History of Eastern Aesthetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
The representing theory which explains the character of Oriental Aesthetic is Daoism. Daoists' view on Aesthetic uplift the Aesthetic spirit in China, contribute to advance the quality of Art and affected the later pieces of art. Specially, it can be stated that Aesthetic ideas of 장자(壯子) helped aesthetic view of Confucianism to construct aesthetic attitude on life, nature and art. Therefore it will focus on Daoism.
CEK5107 Research on History of Social Thinking in Modern and Contemporary China 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course analyzes Chinese thought in the side of social thinking in modern and contemporary china. We will study the correlation between traditional chinese thought and contemporary chinese thought, discussing structural features of chinese society.
CEK5109 Studies in Theories of Mountain and River Art of the East 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
In Oriental landscapes, especially Chinese ones, ideal origin was built in YuiJinNamBuk philosophy and was development in earnest began based on high-power eye of aesthetic in Tang dynasty. Succeeded Song's paintings in the literary artist's style, it was equipped with a system. As oriental Landscapes is one category of mainstream of Oriental aesthetic of paintings, theory of Oriental Landscapes should be studied with a process of beginning and development.
CEK5110 Comparative Research on Eastern and Western Philosophy 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course surveys philosophical currents of East and West after modern times caring about historic, social, cultural distinctiveness. Furthermore, we will examine how the thoughts introduced from west was transformed and developed in surveying the problems deprived from encountering traditional Confucianism and modern western philosophy.
CEK5111 Studies in History of Medieval Chinese Thoughts 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course is about medieval chinese thoughts from Sung to Ching dynasty.we will investigate the process of Confucianism and its effect on the thought of modern chinese philosophy.
CEK5112 Comparative Research on History of Eastern and Western Thought 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This lecture studies the development of history of philosophy comparatively. We will inquire into historical genealogy of intellectual current in East and west. We set up the research boundary from ancient greek philosophy to post modernism of West and from ancient thought to Confucian Capitalism of China.
CEK5113 The Eastern Aesthetics and Genealogy of Ideas 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
By examining the origin and the development of Chinese and Japanese aesthetics we will discover the core concept of the oriental aesthetics and then go on to a genealogical approach to the concept. Furthermore we will gain profound understandings of Eastern Asia's culture and art and establish a critical viewpoint and investigate historical facts on the genealogy of the idea.
CEK5114 East Asian Thought and Culture of "Ye" 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
The East Asian political has been so based on ye (禮: etiquette or courtesy) as to be called "yechi" (rule of etiquette or courtesy). In particular, the ye marked by Confucian values has been discussed along with "ak" (樂: music), and such discussions have contributed to forming the East's unique culture of ye-마. We here look into how the form and substance of ye have been developed on emphasis on their inter relationship with ak.
CEK5115 Criticism of Contemporary Chinese Culture and Art 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
The subject will identify the causes of cultural changes in today’s China and the principles of such changes and review the characteristics of culture and art produced by Chinese people.